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Introduction to Radiation Safety

Course Overview

Written by Gregory Carastro
Accredited by the New York State Education Department (NYSED)

Risks of radiology can be minimized when the radiation is handled and managed properly. The law requires that individuals receive training in the safe handling and use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices.

This course provides an overview of the fundamental principles and safety regulations as they apply to radiography. Some of the topics this training covers include:

  • Health concerns associated with exposure to radioactive materials or radiation.
  • Precautions or procedures to minimize radiation exposure.
  • Purposes and functions of protective devices employed.
  • The permit conditions and the applicable portions of the Radiation Safety Manual.
  • Worker’s responsibility to promptly report any condition that may lead to or cause a violation of the regulations or cause unnecessary exposure.
  • Actions to take in the event of an emergency.
  • Radiation exposure reports that workers have a right to receive.


This course earns participants 3 hours of NY State CE credit.

Time to Complete

Approx. 3 hours 

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