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Dogs & Skin Cancer

Posted in Pet Care Tips

When it comes to caring for the health of our dogs, skin cancer is something every pet parent should be on the lookout for. Below, we discuss some of the most common skin cancers in dogs and the symptoms associated with each.

Common Skin Cancers in Dogs

Most lumps and bumps you find on your dog will not be as serious as cancer. However, any suspicious lumps you find should be examined by your veterinarian, since skin cancer is relatively common in our canine companions and early diagnosis and treatment are essential for good outcomes.

Below we detail three of the most common skin cancers seen in dogs, and what they may look like.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

The most common form of skin cancer in dogs is Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This form of cancer typically affects older pets, particularly Dalmatians, beagles, whippets, and white bull terriers. These tumors appear as raised wart-like lumps that are firm to the touch and often found on the dog's head, abdomen, lower legs, and rear. While exposure to the sun may be a cause of squamous cell carcinoma, papillomavirus has also been linked to this form of cancer.

Malignant Melanoma

Most melanomas are benign, however, they can be malignant and pose a serious threat to your dog's health. Melanomas appear as raised bumps that may or may not be dark-pigmented. Malignant melanomas often develop around the dog's nail bed, lips, and mouth and tend to grow quickly and spread to other organs. Male dogs are more at risk of this type of cancer than females, and both schnauzers and Scottish terriers are breeds that face an increased risk of developing malignant melanoma.

Mast Cell Tumors (MCT)

Mast cell tumors account for approximately 20% of all skin tumors in dogs. These tumors can appear on the skin anywhere on the body and have a variety of appearances. Some mast cell tumors look like relatively harmless little lumps while others may appear as angry or ulcerated lumps or masses. This form of skin cancer is most commonly diagnosed in dogs between ages 8 to 10 years old, with breeds such as boxers, pugs, Rhodesian ridgebacks, and Boston terriers facing an increased risk of the disease. 

Diagnosing Skin Cancer in Dogs

If your vet suspects that your dog has skin cancer, they may perform a fine needle aspiration to gather a small sample of the tumor's cells for examination or they may perform a biopsy to take a portion of the tumor's tissue to be examined. The samples taken by your vet will be sent to a veterinary diagnostics lab for analysis. 

To determine the extent of cancer in your dog's body after the initial diagnosis, additional diagnostic testing may be required. This additional testing helps your vet determine the stage of your pet's cancer which can help in optimizing treatment and providing a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis.

Treating Skin Cancer in Dogs

Your dog's cancer treatment may involve multiple therapies or treatment combinations, including surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies or palliative care when appropriate. 

When it comes to the prognosis and treatment of cancer in dogs, options will depend on the type of cancer, the tumor's location, and how advanced the cancer is. Many dogs that have been diagnosed with early-stage skin cancers can be treated successfully and go on to live active lives. 

Monitoring Your Dog's Health

When it comes to skin cancer in dogs, good treatment outcomes rely on early detection and treatment. Pay attention to the condition of your dog's skin during regular grooming sessions. Take the time to familiarize yourself with all your dog’s lumps, bumps, and rashes.

Twice yearly wellness examinations at your dog's primary care veterinary clinic allow your vet to monitor your dog's overall health and watch for usual or specious lumps and bumps.

If you notice anything suspicious on your dog's skin or swelling around your dog's toes, consult your veterinarian right away. When it comes to your canine companion's health it's always better to err on the side of caution. 

Advanced Cancer Care for Pets on Long Island

At Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island our veterinary medical oncologist provides advanced diagnostics and care for dogs and cats with cancer.

Our team understands your concerns and we will work compassionately to help you through this difficult time, providing information and support to you as you navigate the emotional challenges of receiving a cancer diagnosis for your beloved pet. 

VMCLI is now the only provider on Long Island to offer Radiation Oncology Services with stereotactic radiation (SRS/SRT).

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Contact our Long Island veterinary team to learn more about our medical oncology services for pets.

Caring for Pets on Long Island

Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island accepts new clients to our specialty services by referral. Our 24/7 emergency service accepts all clients.

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